Welcome! We’re glad you’re here! Are you interested in joining a small group that is designed to partner with our sermon series “End of Me” starting the week of September 17th? There is a beauty in coming to the end of ourselves as we realize that we aren't strong enough, smart enough or talented enough to navigate life on our own. Ironically, that's when we are in the best position to be used by God in significant ways. In this series we are challenged to pick up our cross and die to ourself. But what does that actually mean? Join us for this 4 week series, as we explore the upside down paths that lead us to Jesus! Please feel free to sign up for any one of these groups that are participating in this series. Once you sign up we (small group leaders) will contact you with all the details. If you should have any questions please feel free to email us.

Who: Adults
When: Tuesdays @ 6:30 PM
Where: Manor Woods | Heritage Rm & Zoom
Contact: Steve Fuller

Who: Adults
When: Wednesdays @ 7:15 PM
Where: Charles & Amy Haron’s House
Contact: Charles Haron

Who: Adults
When: Fridays @ 7:00 PM
Where: Online (Zoom)
Contact: Ron Dove

Who: Adults
When: Tuesdays @ 6:30 PM
Where: Online (Zoom)
Contact: Ron Skyles