Welcome! We’re glad you’re here! Are you interested in joining a small group that is designed to partner with our sermon series “gods at war” starting the week of February 5th? There are gods at war within each of us and they battle for the throne of our hearts. Behind every sin struggle is a false god that is winning the war in our lives. Pleasure, romance, sex, money, and power are just a few of the gods that vie for our allegiance in today’s society. Join us for this six week series! Please feel free to sign up for any one of these groups that are participating in this series. Once you sign up we (small group leaders) will contact you with all the details. If you should have any questions please feel free to email us.
gods at war
gods at war
gods at war
Who: Adults
When: Tuesdays @ 6:30 PM
Where: Manor Woods | Heritage Rm & Zoom
Contact: Steve Fuller
gods at war
Who: Adults
When: Wednesdays @ 7:15 PM
Where: Charles & Amy Haron’s House
Contact: Charles Haron
Who: Adults
When: Wednesdays @ 7:00 PM
Where: Online (Zoom)
Contact: Ron Dove
Who: Adults
When: Tuesdays @ 6:30 PM
Where: Online (Zoom)
Contact: Alex Tremble
gods at war
Who: Adults
When: Thursdays @ 6:30 PM
Where: Linda Lindstrom’s House
Contact: Linda Lindstrom