August 10, 2023
After prayerful consideration of the Scriptural attributes and knowledge, skills, and experience required for the various offices of the church, I wish to recommend that the following person(s) be considered for the offices of Elder, Deacon, and Treasurer.
Please feel free to check any or all individuals in the blanks below, or to write in additional candidates in the blanks. This form must be submitted and in the hands of the Elders by September 10th.

ELDERS: To serve as an Elder the candidate must meet and maintain the Scriptural attributes for those roles (e.g.,Galatians 5:22-23; 1 Timothy 3:2-10; Titus 1:6-9; 1 Peter 5:2-3). Each candidate for Elder must consistently demonstrate strong Christian character and have the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to satisfy the duties
of the office. Each candidate must also have been an Active Member of the congregation for at least one (1) year
prior to being considered for the office. Candidates for Elder shall be recommended to the Board of Elders who shall confirm the candidate is willing and qualified to serve in this capacity, if elected.
DEACONS: To serve as a Deacon, the candidate must meet and maintain the Scriptural attributes for those roles(e.g., 1 Timothy 3:8-13; Acts 6:2-4). Each candidate for Deacon must consistently demonstrate strong Christiancharacter and have the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to satisfy the duties of the office. Each candidate must also have been an Active Member of the congregation for at least one (1) year prior to being considered for
the office. Candidates for Deacon shall be recommended to the Board of Elders who shall confirm the candidate is willing and qualified to serve in this capacity, if elected.
TREASURER: To serve as Treasurer, the candidate must have sufficient knowledge, skills, and experience to assume
responsibility for all monies collected and distributed by the Church and to make financial reports to the Elders and
Members as necessary.