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Our Story

Three families came together to plant a new church back in 1946, officially becoming incorporated in 1947. In 1956, Ken and Jan Meade joined the effort, Ken as a part-time Senior Minister until 1961 when the church was able to hire him full-time. The first building on University Boulevard in Wheaton was a converted Army barracks that was remodeled with a baptistry. God continued to expand the church and its influence in the surrounding community. It was temporarily housed for two years at the English Manor Elementary School while a new, permanent home for the church was under construction in the "boonies" of Rockville. In 1966, the growing congregation moved to this new facility on Norbeck Road. Large additions were constructed in 1982 and 1992 increasing worship, fellowship, and education space. Through the years, God has consistently blessed Manor Woods with very loving and caring people, good leadership, and many dedicated volunteers.


We belong to Christ and we follow Him. The Bible's instructions for the church are clear and simple. We are a part of the Restoration movement, striving to restore the pattern of the New Testament church. Ultimately our passion is to remove man-made creeds and clutter in order to fulfill God's plan for His church, His way.

Our worship includes prayer, praising, and preaching. We celebrate the Lord's Supper ever week. According to Scripture, God's plan of salvation includes faith, repentance, confession, baptism by immersion and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Christian Churches and Churches of Christ are autonomous(non-denominational), self governing bodies of believers. Elders and Deacons are appointed from within the congregation. Led by the Holy Spirit, our leaders guide our church as we seek to make disciples of all nations and share God's love with one another, community, and the world.